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Rhythm as an integration principle for multimodal analysis?

Guest Lecture: Prof. Dr. Janina Wildfeuer (Groningen)

Tuesday, January 14, 10:00am
Seminargebäude, Raum S11

Rhythm as an integration principle for multimodal analysis?

Approaches to multimodal rhythmic analysis have recently seen increasing interest and seem to be a popular starting point for the analysis of particularly complex communicative situations and media, among them TikTok or music videos, games, and specific contexts of face-to-face interactions. While rhythm itself has always been an important aspect of text and discourse analyses of various kinds, it seems to be a newly flaring criterion for particular aspects of multimodal analysis, including most notably dynamic media and compound situations. Which opportunities come with this renewed interest or upsurge in rhythm-related analyses? Which new or different methodological details are given when the analytical focus shifts to rhythm? And how much potential does a focus on rhythm bring for comprehensive empirical analyses? In this talk, I will address these questions by comparing and assessing several rhythm-related works and by critically discussing their potential for covering the breadth and diversity of multimodal analysis.
