Université de Liège
| Subject: Information and Communication
| BA, MA
| 1 Semester
Erasmus+ is the EU's program to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The Erasmus + program at the Institute of Media Culture and Theater allows you to study in other European countries at universities offering media studies courses. These courses can be recognized in your studies at the University of Cologne. In addition, you will receive financial support during your time abroad. The height of the scholarship depends on the partner country – please check for further information.
Before you apply to study abroad, please ask yourself the following questions:
Please note that it is not possible as a Bachelor student to join the Master program and vice versa.
If you are interested in studying abroad under the Erasmus+ program, please consult the information available at the Erasmus page of the International Office and the ZiB. The application procedure will be organized by the ZiB as well – here you get the possibility to apply for 3 universities of every institute of the Philosophische Fakultät.
Make sure that your motivation letter implies why studying abroad is important for your academic career, why you chose the partner institute of your choice and what qualifies you for the relevant partner university.
The Institute of Media Culture and Theater has exchange agreements with the following partner universities under the Erasmus + program: